Course Description
This training action aims to develop the basic skills and know-how of modern business management, from the conception and structuring of a business idea, through the start-up phase of a company and the development of strategic and operational concepts, both at the level of physical, human and financial resources, as well as at the level of company administration and organization, from a current Lean Start-Up perspective.
Personalized Coaching
Offer 5 Hours of Personalized Coaching with the aim of monitoring the evolution, development and implementation of an entrepreneurial project.
Partnership with Business Center to host the entrepreneurial project.
Partnership with Business Center to host the entrepreneurial project
At the end of the course, the trainee will be able to:
- Develop a business idea, evaluating it;
- Know how to characterize the profile and functions of the entrepreneur;
- Identify trends and effective business opportunities;
- Define and characterize the target market and business segments;
- Define and develop a marketing strategy
Develop communication, promotion and distribution strategies, as well as a social media plan;
- Design a realistic sales forecast;
- Differentiate fixed costs from variable costs;
- Manage the company's treasury;
- Identify and comply with the company's tax obligations;
- Define human resources policies: contracts, salaries, training and performance evaluation;
- Prepare and structure a business plan;
- Identify financing solutions and support for entrepreneurship;
- Identify the procedural formalities for setting up a company.
1. Project definition
- Business opportunities
- Testing the business idea
- Entrepreneur profile test
- Lean Startup
2. Business Plan
3. Marketing Plan
- Marketing Mix
- Product and service development
- Marketing strategy and market evolution
- Advantages and differentiation of the product or service
4. Operational Plan
- Production and/or provision of services
- Purchasing plan
- Quality
5. Human Resources Plan
Personnel management
6, Formal Legal Plan
- Definition of legal form
- Labor aspects
- Tax obligations
- Licenses and official documentation
7. SWOT Analysis
8. Financial Plan
- Principles of accounting and financial management
- Financial indicators
- Is my project viable?
- Assets, real estate and equipment
- Types of financing
- Aids and incentives
- Business Angels
9. Taxation
10. Investment and financing plan;
Results Plan and Treasury Plan
- Balance
- Balance Point; VAL; TIR; Pay Back
- Analysis and ratios
- Is my project viable?